SME FC920259 Building A Paint System; The Material Handling Approach standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1992 Brosch, Brent
SME MS920149 Highest Quality At The Lowest Cost Through Designed Experimentation standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1992 Bradley, Charles
SME MS920145 Initial Commercialization Of Pulsed Laser Paint Stripping standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1992 Way, Mike ; Head, James
SME FCR92005 Fastening And Joining Prepainted Metal standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1992 Fletcher, George A.
SME FCR92-05 Fastening And Joining Prepainted Metal standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1992 George A. Fletcher
SME MRR92012 Waste Minimization Through Improved Coolant Management standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1992 Bienkowski, Keith
SME MRR92011 Chip Formation And Tool Life In Grooving And Parting With And Without Flushing standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1992 Wertheim, Dr. Rafael
SME MRR92003 Creep Feed Grinding Concepts And Applications standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1992 Besse, John R.
SME FC920147 A Completely Mechanized Electro Dip-Painting Method standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1992 Brewer, George F.
SME MS920312 Integration Of Pdes/Step And Capp standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1992 Wang, H.-P. Ben ; Qiao, L.-H. ; Zhang, C.
SME FC920137 Application Of Thermoplastics And Highly Filled Systems Using A Modified Plasma Spray Process standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1992 Sweet, Gary K.
SME MS920310 Implementing A Quality Program standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1992 Agrella, Deborah M. ; Connerty, Thomas F.