SME MS910343 Conceptual Modeling Of Redundant Manipulators standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1991 Leskin, A.A. ; Dwivedi, S.N. ; Lyons, D.W.
SME MS910342 An Integrative Approach To Designing Expert Systems For Robots Selection standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1991 Badiru, Adedeji B. ; Raman, Shivakumar
SME MS910341 Application Of Fuzzy Logic To Solve The Robot Inverse Kinematic Problem standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1991 Nedungadi, Ashok
SME MS910340 Adaptive, Singularity Avoiding, Trajectory Generating Algorithms For A Four-Jointed Robot Wrist standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1991 Lee, Wei-Ming
SME MS910339 Simplification Of Dynamics And Control Of Industrial Robots Through Design standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1991 Nikolic, Ilija Z. ; Arsovski, Slavko
SME MS900837 Strengthening The Dfa Rules By Dispositional Mechanisms standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1990 Andreasen, M. Myrup ; Olesen, J. ; Ahm, T.
SME MS900337 Technical Skills For Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Technicians standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 06/01/1990 Polanin, W. Richard
X9 X9.134-2-2021 Security and Data Protection for Mobile Financial Services standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 02/09/2021
X9 X9.6-2020 Securities Identification (CUSIP) standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 12/22/2020
X9 X9.124-5-2021/X9.124-1-2020 Financial Services - Symmetric Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry Format Preserving Encryption - Part 1: Definition and Model/Part 5: Part 5 Format-preserving Feistel-based Mode FF3.1 standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 01/01/2021
X9 X9.138-2020 Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) Terminology standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 10/15/2020
X9 X9.124-1-2020 Financial Services - Symmetric Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry - Format-Preserving Encryption - Part 1: Definition and Model standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 10/15/2020